Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Update on MAchine Parts

Hi Everyone,
Ok so the laser cutting will take longer than I had hoped - there have been problems with some of the parts (which are now fixed). However, the delay has some consequences:
1. The parts will not be available until thursday.
2. The job has had to be put in as a priority (this has a cost implication)

So Between Now and thursday work on your posters, collectinag all the bits an pieces that need to be collected.
You can collect you machine parts from me on thurday (mid day on wards)
Make all of the parts of your machine that are not going to be laser cut (dowel etc).
Have a look at the drawings that you gave to me and review all of the things that you will need to do to make the machine (ie: what holes you will need to drill etc)
On Friday we had arranged to meet and assemble the machine - we can still do this but not all machines will be ready so we will have to finish assembly on Monday (this should give you some time to finish making your machines)
On friday Morning we can still do assessment and start assembly. Any of you that have your machines ready bring them along so that you can get your assembly to the table done.

So you must be at uni at 10 am sharp.
good luck


Blogger Liam Fennessy said...

Ill be at 87

7:09 PM  

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