Sunday, June 11, 2006

11am monday for those that need to meet

at uni.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

great progress on friday

Hi everyone,
A lot was done on friday (and thanks for looking after all of the tools)
Those of you that would like to meet up on monday - please let me know in the comments section of this post so we can work out a time.
Otherwise we can all meet on tuesday morning for final assembly on TUESDAY MORNING AT 10AM.
Spend the week end finishing and perfecting your machines - finishing the posters.
CAN the ODDJOBS people pull together a slide show of all of your photos of the project - we can add this to the projection for the exhibition.
Assessment we can do on wednesday morning.
work hard

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Have you done these things?

radiomachine Exhibition checklist

Individual contributions:
Your noise machine
Your A3 PDF poster
Your blog contributions

Collective / Working Group Contributions

Anti Musicians
Acoustic Engineers
Assistance with machine “tuning” / setup
Mechanical Engineers
Radio machine table
Mechanical trouble shooting
Electrical Engineers
Exhibition set up
Event planning
Documentation (photos, video, blog etc)
Everything else.

shannon- admire your calculations


all the parts are done.
Kate I accidently broke one of yours but will glue it up tonight.

LAser Cutting

Apologies -
The laser cut parts will be at rmit tomorrow - sorry for the delay - but thats something that we can learn for next time.
So tomorrow at 10am Sharp - review / posters / start assembly
It will all be fine

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Hi all,
Ok so thursday is tomorrow and the laser cut parts should be delivered.
We can still all meet and go through assessment / reveiw on friday morning. and generally get things moving on assembly.
Some may need more time to finish their individual machines - and there will be work in getting all of the posters and the tables done - so we can also meet on Monday to finish it off.
Now it is full steam ahead on radio machine.
Oh and the other thing is that the exhibition will be up for two days (tuesday (opening), wednesday, and thursday pack up). (this is if we do it on level four).
If it is level five - we can leave it for a while - but it will be mobile so it shouldn't be too hard to move it around.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Update on MAchine Parts

Hi Everyone,
Ok so the laser cutting will take longer than I had hoped - there have been problems with some of the parts (which are now fixed). However, the delay has some consequences:
1. The parts will not be available until thursday.
2. The job has had to be put in as a priority (this has a cost implication)

So Between Now and thursday work on your posters, collectinag all the bits an pieces that need to be collected.
You can collect you machine parts from me on thurday (mid day on wards)
Make all of the parts of your machine that are not going to be laser cut (dowel etc).
Have a look at the drawings that you gave to me and review all of the things that you will need to do to make the machine (ie: what holes you will need to drill etc)
On Friday we had arranged to meet and assemble the machine - we can still do this but not all machines will be ready so we will have to finish assembly on Monday (this should give you some time to finish making your machines)
On friday Morning we can still do assessment and start assembly. Any of you that have your machines ready bring them along so that you can get your assembly to the table done.

So you must be at uni at 10 am sharp.
good luck

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Laser cutting details

Ok so after spending large amounts of time redrawing your drawings - the cutting is in process. I am hoping to have the parts back on tuesday (which does not give you long to assemble everything for friday). So here is what you should do:
1. Start making all of the bits that are not going to be cut (eg. dowell axles)
2. Start making all of the bits that you don't need laser cut.
3. Have everything ready so that when you get your parts you can just stick it all together.
4. Finish your posters - and use drawings of your work in progress as opposed to images of the finished thing.
5. Get your team activities sorted.
6. await further instructions

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

OH your drawings!!!

Ok so I have just finished repairing your part drawings so that they can be cut. I am not even going to get into why they have taken so long - but we need to have a chat about cad /solidworks next semester.
Ok so I have followed everyones draings/instructions as they we given. I have also thrown in a few extras of parts where there was room.
. This is who I have accounted for (lasercutting): stuart, shannon, rohan, aerin, kate, oliver, charles, louisa, steve, sarah and jane.
Anyone else is not acounted for - so I sugest you start making.

exhibition presentation sequence

So this is the sequence for the pdf presentation (initials of people responsible in brackets);
1. cover (k&s)
2. Radio machine Maifesto (k&S)
3. Brief history of pirate radio (k&s)
4. Radio machine system illustrations (kyne & j)
5. Individual machine profiles (horror ratings) (kyne & j)
6.-26. Individual project posters (everyone)

Ok and finally - just to round off the project documentation

I need each workgroup to do a poster that communicates all of the things that they have done - who they are, what they have learnt etc
so this will be one poster for:
scavengers, oddjobs/documentation, anti musicians, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, acoustic engineers. (a3 portrait pdf) - you will need to organise this in your groups.

good luck - stay tuned for more

new flyer

Ok so I whipped this up - its a bit ambigiuos but I think it does the trick. We can have several versions.

post everything:

this is your folio, and our collective project document - so post everything.
Everyone seems to be on track - lots of little things were done today, and I think you are getting a feel for what a "project" is.
I will let you all know about the lasercut parts asap.

Oh and LEON - don't use "blog this" - go to the dash board and post from there - "blog this" is unreliable - it could be your problem.

Thanks for being such a fantastic bunch to work with - I have had a lot of fun, hope you have as well. Still lots more to do but I have every confidence that you will follow through with something really excellent.