Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Ok so you have been wondering why we had to break up into small working groups - well heres why:

Activities are ramping up and there is an enourmous ammount to do to make this project the sort of project that design students all over the world would kill to be a part of. So I know it seems like hard work - but hard work is fun work and you have all almost sorted out your individual machines - so it is time to activate the groups..........

You have to do some A3 (portrait) PDF posters of the radio Machine System.
You have to include diagrams of:
1. the radio broadcast system
2. the machine and how it works
3. the acoustic "horror" and a desdription of each machine / person and thier noise.
4. it needs to have a way of mapping / communicating the "annoyance /cringe rating" of each instrument.
Anti Musicians (Kate and Sarah)
You need to design and write (A3 PDF Posters) of the following
1. A radio machine cover poster
2. A radio manifesto (ie, What it seeks to do, the importantance of anti-music etc)
3.A brief history of Pirate Radio - and why it is such an important use of technology / moment in our technological history.

You also need to design and sort out labels for the exhibition:
these will have : students full name, the name of their machine, and a breif description of how it creates noise.
these will be mounted next to each machine in the exhibition.
mechanical engineers (Matt, Steve, Stuart, Nina)
You have to have the table and drive system designed and ready to be built asap - you also have to build it.
You also need to design and build an antena so that we can throw our broadcast into space - (it has to be less that 2600mm high)
Electrical Engineers (Shannon, Abs and Rohan)
You have done a lot already - but you will need to wire up the machine once it is built, help fabricate the $3,00 micrphones etc and make sure that all of the broadcast system is working beautifully.
ODD JOBS (Louisa, Charles, KEnji and Georgie)
You have to:
cater food and refreshments for the next two sessions and for the installation.
you have to start publicising the Radiomachine (flyers)
You have to help anyother team when asked
You have to Plan the Innagural Broadcast / Grand Opening
And You have to document all of the activities with photos / daily updates etc.
Scavengers / Installation (Leon, Aerin, Jane and Oliver)
You have to find useful materials
Old Fm Radios that we can use for the opening
You have to do the Installation
You have to help any other team when asked
You have to provide assemply and production support to your peers


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