Tuesday, May 30, 2006

exhibition presentation sequence

So this is the sequence for the pdf presentation (initials of people responsible in brackets);
1. cover (k&s)
2. Radio machine Maifesto (k&S)
3. Brief history of pirate radio (k&s)
4. Radio machine system illustrations (kyne & j)
5. Individual machine profiles (horror ratings) (kyne & j)
6.-26. Individual project posters (everyone)

Ok and finally - just to round off the project documentation

I need each workgroup to do a poster that communicates all of the things that they have done - who they are, what they have learnt etc
so this will be one poster for:
scavengers, oddjobs/documentation, anti musicians, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, acoustic engineers. (a3 portrait pdf) - you will need to organise this in your groups.

good luck - stay tuned for more


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