Tuesday, May 30, 2006

OH your drawings!!!

Ok so I have just finished repairing your part drawings so that they can be cut. I am not even going to get into why they have taken so long - but we need to have a chat about cad /solidworks next semester.
Ok so I have followed everyones draings/instructions as they we given. I have also thrown in a few extras of parts where there was room.
. This is who I have accounted for (lasercutting): stuart, shannon, rohan, aerin, kate, oliver, charles, louisa, steve, sarah and jane.
Anyone else is not acounted for - so I sugest you start making.


Blogger Liam Fennessy said...

being blind could explain it - I didn't realise that it was such a jump for you all. we can work on this next semester.

4:33 PM  

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