Saturday, May 13, 2006

radio machine UPDATE

Read this - it may reduce your anxiety:
1. The RPM: Ultimately the speed at which the machine turns does not need to be perfect. I am not going to time and calculate the "noise: silence" ratio of your machine. This was simply a way of getting you to think about the idea that a sound (or indeed any action) is marked /bounded by its presence and its absence.
2. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: My disdain for "glue" etc is that it masks your need to actually design in view of the materials you have. The material is a part of the design - it is important and it needs to be respected.
3. My Seemingly Arbitary Demands: - Yes they are annoying, and challenging, and destabilizing. But they are there so that you extend your individual knowledge. If University was just about trading on what you already know, then it is purposeless. Think of this radio machine as a challenge, as a way of trying out ideas, going inbto the unknown and having fun.
4. On Not "Knowing": If I thought that you could all "do" this project - and therefore already had the "knowledge" and "Skills" required then the learning experience would be redundant - It is not important to know what is right in this instance - there is no right. The radio machine is a learning machine - its about negotiating complexity (like arguing about the RPM), its about making guesses, taking risks, having faith in your capacity to be creative, and ultimately doing all of that as a community.

So, for Monday,
I need to see your machine redesigned, Given key dimensions etc.
I need you to have given it a form - a visual language that it represntative of the spirit of the project.
I need you to have considered the joinery, method of construction etc
I need you to have covered a lot of ground.
And I need you to share all of that information on this blog.
Good luck


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