Wednesday, May 03, 2006

radiomachine day 3

Do not worry about the material - it is the idea of the sound that is important.
Do not worry about the technology - we make the technology work for us.
Do not worry about what you do or don't know - it is your capacity to think that is important.
Do not worry about being "wrong" - design is not so black and white.
Design the sound in your head as a series of noises - listen to your idea of it, then start working out the mechanics of producing it. Think of it as an exercise in recontextualising dynamics (peaks and troughs, something and nothing).
Everything can be replicated / mechanised (in some way)
Think about the traces of that sound - how it stays with you, what it reminds you of, how it makes you feel.
Think about what that could look like.

draw your idea and post it here


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